We can directly buy or sell any stock from stock exchange. To buy or sell stocks you should open demat and trading account at first with any broker.
With the help of trading and demat account you can buy or sell the stocks. In return of giving you the trading facility stock broker charge a fee.
This fee is called brokerage charge. There is other charges that stock broker charges. Many people between you have the question that how to become stock broker?
To make career as a stock broker you should at first register with SEBI. After apply in SEBI for registration SEBI will check all the necessary equipments
After successful registration SEBI will give Certificate of Registration. After that you have to take the membership of stock exchange (NSE,BSE).
To be the member of stock exchange there is a criteria. That is ... 1. Minimum age 21 years. 2. 2+ years of work experience with a stock broker and also see 3. your networth.