What to do when stock prices fall?

What to do when stock prices fall : If you buy any stock and the stock’s…

Sahara india scam explained.

Sahara india scam explained : This topic is about a scam that is being criticized from…

What is liquid funds? Liquid funds vs fixed deposits.

What is liquid funds : we often hear about liquid funds. Such as is liquid fund better…

How to become a stock broker or sub broker or authorised person?

How to become a stock broker : We can directly buy or sell any stock from…

How to invest in startups in india ?(3 Best Way)

How to invest in startups in india ? – Reading the title you surely understand what…

Career in stock market।career in stock market after 12th। part- I

There are many options to make career in stock market after 12th. In some years stock market…

What is Circuit Breakers in stock market in India?

What is Circuit Breakers in stock market in India : Stock market is not stable. Everytime…

Discounted Cash Flow or DCF Valuation Method.

This post includes an important topic of stock valuation. And the topic is Discounted Cash Flow Method or…

GOLD vs STOCK : Best Option to Invest in India.

In india most of families have gold. There is a very high demand of gold in…

Types of Mutual Fund.

According to invest in asset Mutual Fund can be divided into three types. Types of Mutual…